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Amsterdam Contact Jams

Info on workshops, classes, and jams in The Netherlands can be found at:

For a list of many other Dutch CI Related websites click HERE


Amsterdam Saturday Jam

WHERE: WITTENSTRAAT 100.(RING THE BELL MARKED: STUDIO 100) This is on the west side of the Center between the Jordaan and Westerpark.
  WHEN: Saturday Afternoons 14:00 -18:00: from Class to Jam (class 14:00-16:00, jam 16:00-18:00)
  COST: 13 Euros (includes jam and class), Jam only - 5 Euros   WEBSITE:
  in the calendar you can wee who is teaching:

Amsterdam Thursday Jam

  WHERE: Eerste Helmerstraat 102 ½, Amsterdam (It is the big building oposite nr. 147)
  WHEN:   Every 2nd & 4th Thursday of the month;19:00 warm up of about half an hour; jam until 22:00  (in the summermonths not sure; check this calendar to see if it happens: )
  COST: E 10


WHAT: DanceMoves: A CI friendly evening dance with alternating leaders and teachers
WHERE: Studio Le Petit Port, Herenstraat 9 in Leiden
WHEN: Every Friday, 19.45- 22:00
COST: 10 Euros
INFO: email: dans(at)

Utrecht - Open Improvisation Jam

WHEN: Every last Friday of the month 20.00-00.00
WHERE: De Dansvloer, Balkstraat 31, Utrecht
COST: 10 Euro
INFO: Iris Van Peppen +31 (0)6 - 24141847, iris(at)

Also in Utrecht...

  WHEN;  a few times a year on Tuesdays, 19:30-22:15h
  WHERE: Centrum EMMA, Cremerstraat 245, 3532 BJ, Utrecht
   (Map,+3532+BJ,+Utrecht+NL+("Centrum+Emma")&ie=UTF-8 )

Rotterdam Sunday Jam
WHEN:   1x per month sunday jams:
14:30 - 16:30 Workshop for all levels
16:30 - 18:00 Open Jam
COST: Workshop € 15,- including jam, Jam only € 7,-
WHERE: TangoWorks, Willem Buytewechstraat 34 Rotterdam, located in Delfshaven


Amersfoort - Dance Free

WHAT: barefoot dance party with DJ and always some CI-dancers joining in.
WHEN: every 4th Sat. of the month, Workshop 19.30-21.00, DansJeVrij dance party: 21.00-24.00
WHERE: "OLV ter EEM klooster"; Daam Fockemalaan 22, Amersfoort -see website for route-info
PRICE: workshop E10,-; Party E 10,-; both: E 15,-



WHEN: Weekly jam on Sunday evenings, Doors open at 19:00 – start: 19:30 – end: 21:00 (Be in time, at 19:30 we will lock the door)
WHERE: Hofstraat 11 9712 JA Groningen ("Yoga Plaza")
PRICE: E 4,-

Contact Jam and class in Eindhoven

WHERE:  United-C Kleine Berg 62, 5611 JW  Eindhoven, Netherlands
WHEN: Every First Saturday of the month. Start Workshop 19:30, doors open
19:00, Jam starting after 2 hour workshop
Every Third Weekend on the Sunday. Start workshop 13:00, doors open
for potluck 12:00, Jam starting after 2 hour workshop
COST: Workshop and Jam € 17, - Only the JAM cost € 10 (for discounts
see website)

 Contact-Jam in Nijmegen

WHERE: Studio Tangible, van Welderenstraat 113, 6511 MH Nijmegen
WHEN: once a month a workshop on saturday, weekly classes on monday-morning and evening
COST: see website:
INFO: Enrique van Doezelaar: (06-14109948)


Do you know about other jams in this country/region. Please let us know so we can post them here. Also please help us correct any outdated information.

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