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massachusetts Contact Jams

Lots of jam and event info can be found at
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Boston Area

Cambridge Tuesday Jam

WHAT: People arrive as early as 7:30 to stretch and for personal warm-ups.  A facilitator gathers the group sometime between 8 and 8:10 for a brief check-in circle and a led warm-up. The facilitator will often give the evening a focus or theme, and sometimes will lead a structure for the end of the dancing period. We finish with a quick circle to share our experiences and make announcements.
WHEN: Tuesdays 7:30 - 10 p.m.
$10 ($5-20 sliding scale)
WHERE: St Mary Church, 8 Inman Street, Central Square, Cambridge
INFO: Paul Spielman 781-254-0868 lisapaul2(at) WEBSITE: www.ContactImprovBoston,com


Cambridge Movement Improvisation Jam with Live Music

WHERE: Dance Complex, 536 Massachusetts Avenue, Central Square, Cambridge, MA
WHEN: 2nd & 4th Mondays, Sept - June, 8-10pm
COST: $7-10 sliding scale
INFO: Facilitated by Olivier Besson - 617-744-1017, ojbesson at 

Sunday Jam at the Arlington Center

WHAT: Each week the first hour of the event is a class followed by an hour of a focused jam.  The class instruction informing the jam. The classes are generally taught by Mike Klinger, Catherine Musinsky, Amber Espar or Christopher Ellinger.  Occasionally other dancers facilitate.
WHERE: the Arlington Center, 369 Mass. Ave., Arlington, MA
WHEN: Every Sunday from 11:30am to 1:30pm
COST: $8
INFO: contact Mike Klinger -- mklinger(at) , 978 263-7925 WEBSITE: 

The May Jam

WHEN: May (always the last or second to last weekend of May)
WHERE: Masonic Hall, 1950 Massachusetts Avenue, Porter Square, Cambridge, MA
INFO and Registration:  www.ContactImprovBoston,com


Western Mass

ABCD Jam (Arising Braver Contact Dance)

WHEN: Every Tuesday,CLASS: 6-7:20pm, JAM: 7:30-9:30pm  
WHERE: Montague Retreat Center, 177 Ripley Rd, Montague
IMPORTANT TRAVEL NOTE: Ripley Road is closed at the back entrance - IGNORE YOUR GPS - Follow these directions:
COST (Sliding Scale): JAM ONLY: Regular: $15 -30 (Students & Under-employed $10) CLASS ONLY: $15, CLASS & JAM: $20-50
CONTACT: Moti 413-475-2651,

Earthdance Contact Jam

WHERE: Earthdance Retreat Center, 252 Prospect St., Plainfield, MA
WHEN: Every 3rd Sunday, Class: 5:00 – 6:30PM (rotating teachers), Potluck: 6:30 – 7:30pm, Jam: 7:30 – 10:00PM
WHAT: The long-time tradition of Sunday CI Jams has returned to Earthdance! Come for a class beforehand, or just for the jam. Stay for the sauna and potluck dinner! Registration not required. PRICES:
Class: $10-$45,
Jam: $10-$45
Sauna: $10 with use of 2 Earthdance towels.
Potluck Dinner: Please bring your favorite dish or donation of $10-15
If you wish to extend your visit and stay overnight, cost of camping is $30 and a bed in the dorm is $40. Includes access to the sauna and kitchen use but does not provide food. (Rental of sheets and towels is $15)
INFO: Call 413-634-5678  WEBSITE:

V.I.D.A.M. (Valley Improvisational Dance and Music)

WHAT: Each VIDAM event features at least one veteran improvisational musician. 
Musician and dancers collaborate in filling the space with inspiration for movement, expression, surprise and delight. Our aim is to create an open space where all are welcome to be a part of the evening - on any level that feels comfortable. 
WHERE: Fitzwillies Bldg. Karuna Yoga Studio, 24 Main St. Northampton, MA
WHEN: 1st & 3rd Mondays
COST: $15-30 (sliding scale)
INFO: heybrando(at)

Swirly Motif

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