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Argentina Contact Jams

For a list of Argentina's CI Related websites click HERE 

Buenos Aires - Weekly Jams - Every day of the week!!!

Mondays "Casabacha" boedo 843 9º 21-24hs $5

Tuesdays 21.00-24.00, Espacio Eclectico, Humberto Primo 1º 730. San Telmo, Buenos Aires.
Cost: $6, coordinator -Laura Barcel, Website:

Thursdays "Corpo" Paraguay 4694 22-24hs $7

Wednesdays "Casablanca" avenida de los constituyentes 5573  19hs - * (can stay to sleep, neverending jam) $5

Sundays, "Casablanca" 19hs - *  $5  "Corpo"  Paraguay 4694, 20-23hs $7

Last sunday of the month "Jam Te" (jam with kids) MELO 1756  VICENTE LOPEZ 15-18hs $7, kids $1

Buenos Aires Classes:

Cristina Turdo teaches - 11 am Saturdays at I.U.N.A - Calle Sanchez de Loria 443. Contact: cristurdo(at)

Eliana Bonard Teaches small classes out of her home and around the city.  Contact: Elianabonard(at)

Jam in Pueyrredon (near Buenos Aires)

WHERE: El Centro Coreografico Mar del Plata, el Club del Teatro, Rivadavia 3422 - Partido de General Pueyrredon (Provicia de Buenos Aires)
WHEN: Last Saturday of Aug., Sep, Oct., & Nov. @ 16:00-18:00 - August 26, September 30, October 28, November 25 (2006)
INFO: (0223) 472-9601/ 154-002580 (Cristina Ribas)

Weekly Rosario Jam

WHEN: Tuesdays 9 - 11pm. Saturdays 7pm. & Sundays 8pm
WHERE: Tuesday - Presidente Roca 417 PA, estudio gabriela morales. Saturday - Galpon 17. Laprida y el rio. Sunday - Tucuman 3662 Dto 3.
COST: $ 2
Cordoba Jams

WHERE: CLUB CAPILLA, Capilla Del Monte, cordoba.
WHEN: Fridays 10.00 - 13.00
COST: 10 Pesos

WHEN: Tuesday 3-6 pm (people may arrive an hour ready to wait)
WHERE: Centro Educativo Guemes, Bolivar 836
COST: 3 pesos

WHERE: In San Marcos (near Cordoba), at Nalanda in Barrio Chino
WHEN: Fridays, 17:00 class taught by Amber, 19:00 jam
INFO: Berenise: Bere3(at)

WHERE: In Capilla del Monte (Near Cordoba), Al final de la calle Techada en la estacion de trenes
WHEN: Tuesday Jam - 13:30
INFO: Contact Amber: Viajeamber(at)

Around Cordoba: Almost every month there is a weekend jam at someone's home around Cordoba (called an encuentro (a happening).  This is how people from Capilla del Monte, San Marcos, and Cordoba gather to jam since they are spread out so much in the countryside. Information is posted on the Argentinian Contact Yahoo Group or you can contact Amber at: Viajeamber(at) for more information.

Do you know about any more jams in this country/region? Please let us know so we can post them here. Also please help us correct any outdated information.


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